At the age of 6, the story about Amanda Barnestam started to grow. Today, 16 years later, she's made it far. Amanda is a girl working hard for her dreams and we are so happy to be a part of her success and to have the honor to follow her journey up close. We asked Amanda some questions so that you can get to know her as well!

Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Amanda Barnestam, I am 22 years old and am a very happy and positive girl who loves to train, compete and develop together with the horses and my own body!


How long have you been riding?

I have been riding as long as I can remember, since I was about 6 years old.


What does a normal day look like for you?

A normal day for me starts at 6.30 in the stable, mucking out one of the stables here at Särö stable where I work full time, letting out horses, fixing hay and food, sweeping and cleaning up nicely! 8.00 it's time for breakfast for us who work here, a little review of the day then I start fixing horses for one of the riders here. They ride until about 13.00, then it's time for lunch for an hour. We often eat all together which is super cosy and nice! After lunch at 14.00 we bring in the horses, fix some cleaning areas and give some afternoon snack. About 15.30 we finish for the day and then I go straight to Frappa and ride or train with her! Then up to the apartment, cook some food and chill on the sofa)


What has been your greatest personal achievement in equestrian sport?

It must have been when I, together with Jarno RP 145, a pony I borrowed from Karin Levin, won the Swedish Championship gold medal individually. A memory for life!

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What has been your greatest personal achievement in equestrian sport?

It must have been when I, together with Jarno RP 145, a pony I borrowed from Karin Levin, won the Swedish Championship gold medal individually. A memory for life!


What motivates you in the sport?

The will to get better every day, when you really feel and see development after hard work and will. And of course when the training shows results in the arena.

What are your best tips for someone who dreams of a successful career as an equestrian?

Surround yourself with people who love horses and riding as much as you do, and who want it as much as you do, so you can inspire each other! For me, the move to Särö has developed me enormously as an athlete. I have become very confident in myself as a rider and when I enter the arena I feel nothing but gratitude and joy! It's so much fun and I just love it. Everyone here is as interested as I am and works hard to be as good as possible.


What are your future visions and dreams?

To always be the best version of myself, be the best rider I can be and be able to train horses from a young age to a higher level. 

How do you prepare for competition?

A lot of training, focus and being surrounded by positive energy from friends and coaches.

What are your favorite Uhip products?

Definitely the jackets! The coats and regular jackets are absolutely magical! They keep you warm and are extremely stylish and sporty!

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5 quick questions! 

Your greatest competition memory? 

Individual championship gold! 

Mare or stallion/ gelding?

Morning or evening feeding?


Competition or training?


Mucking out or sweeping the stable aisle?
Sweeping the stable aisle

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